Privacy Attitudes around group fitness

Information and privacy policy for user interviews


About our research

The goal of the project “Attitudes around group fitness” is to develop a greater understanding of users’ attitudes and needs towards our product. For this purpose we would like to interview users in order to find out the needs on the practical side. These interviews will be evaluated by Lulada UG and insights support decisions for design and development. 

The interview will take 30-40 min and is incentivized with 22,50 Euro. The incentive is transferred to the user after the interview. 

If you have any questions about the project, you can contact Magdalena Sanrow,


Data protection

We attach great importance to handling the personal data entrusted to us and collected by us with care and trust. In doing so, we adhere to the Basic Data Protection Regulation (DSGVO) applicable in the European Union. Personal data is information that makes you uniquely identifiable as a person.

We only collect data that is also relevant for the implementation of the project. In the context of this project, these are:

Contact details (name, email address, telephone number, IBAN)

Sound and video recordings

Demographic data (age, gender, place of residence)

We use your contact information (name, email address, phone number, IBAN) to communicate with you, schedule appointments and organize incentives. Furthermore, we will keep your contact information, to contact you for further research projects. 

All other data will be used to carry out the content of the project:

In the interview, we will ask you for information regarding your experiences as being a group fitness instructor. We will make digital audio and video recordings of the interview. On the basis of these, we will collect information in the course of the evaluation, which will be stored separately from your personal data and thus will not allow any conclusions to be drawn about your person.

With the help of information forms, we collect information on your age, gender and place of residence. We use this demographic data to differentiate the results obtained and, if necessary, to draw conclusions about specific user groups.

The data collected as part of the project is processed by our e-mail provider and in project-related documents and stored on servers of an external storage provider. As email provider we use Google’s Gmail, as storage solution Google Drive. Therefore, Google Ireland Limited acts as a processor in both cases. We conduct the appointment itself using the Zoom video telephony solution. Zoom Video Communications, Inc. is our processor here. Your data may also be transferred to and processed in countries outside the European Union as a result of our use of Google services provided by Google Ireland Limited and Zoom Video Conference. In doing so, the standard contractual clauses of the European Commission are complied with, which are intended to ensure adequate protection of the data.

More information on data transfer from Google Ireland Limited can be found here:

Information on data transmission from Zoom Video Conference, Inc. can be found here:


We keep your data only as long as it is necessary. This is until the end of the project, as we evaluate your data during this period. The end of the project is planned for 15.08.2023. 

After the end of the project, we will delete all personal data or remove the personal reference, so that only anonymized data remains, unless we are required by law to retain certain data.


We will only process your data if you give us your consent to do so. Thus, this data processing is based on Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a DSGVO. The consent is voluntary and can be revoked at any time without disadvantages for you via one of the mentioned contact methods.

An automated decision-making including profiling in the sense of Art. 22 DSGVO is not used.


Since you are affected by a processing of your personal data, you have various rights in this regard: you have the right to receive information about your data processed by us and about the type of processing. You have the right to have your data corrected, deleted or processing restricted. You have the right to have your data, if we process it automatically, transferred to you or to someone else. And, of course, you have the right to object to processing. If we process your data on the basis of consent, this is done with a revocation of consent.

Please note that we can only comply with requests regarding your data as long as they can still be attributed to you, i.e. as personal data. As soon as we anonymize data, this is no longer the case.

Furthermore, you have the right to complain to the responsible supervisory authority in the event of a suspected data protection violation. Since our company is based in Berlin, this is the Data Protection Commissioner of the State of Berlin. At you will find the contact details and further information.


Responsible for the processing is the

Lulada UG
Blankenburger Straße 32

13156 Berlin


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